School Bus Involved in a Hit-and-Run
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School Bus Involved in a Hit-and-Run

A school bus transporting students in Virginia Beach was hit by a truck on the morning of September 18, 2018, The driver of the truck then fled the scene.

The accident happened just before 9:00 a.m. Blackwater Road, near Head River Road. Police said the truck's side mirror hit the school bus' side mirror.

The bus driver reported minor injuries, declined to be transported to the hospital. Fourteen students were on board at the time, none of whom were injured.

No description of the suspect vehicle was available at the time of this writing.

What to Do If You Hit Another Vehicle

Accounting to Virginia Code 46.2-894, if you hit an attended vehicle or other attended property, as the driver, you must:

  • Immediately stop as close to the scene as possible without obstructing traffic;
  • Report your name, address, driver's license number, and vehicle registration number immediately to the State Police or local law enforcement agency, the person injured (if capable of understanding and retaining the information), the driver or some other occupant of the vehicle collided with or the custodian of the damaged property; and,
  • Render reasonable assistance to any person injured in the accident, including taking the injured person to physician, doctor or hospital, if it appears medically necessary or is requested by the injured person.

If you hit an unattended vehicle:

According to Virginia Code 46.2-896, if you hit an unattended vehicle or some other unattended property causing property damage only, as the driver, you must:

1. Make a reasonable effort to find the owner or custodian of the property;

  • If such owner is found: you must report your name, address, driver's license number, and vehicle registration number.
  • If such owner cannot be found: You must leave a note or other sufficient information (your name, address, driver's license number, and vehicle registration number) including driver identification and contact in a conspicuous place at the scene of the accident; and,
  • Within 24 hours, you must report the accident in writing to police as follows: your name, address, driver's license number, and vehicle registration number; Date, time, and place of accident and your description of the property damage.

If your injuries prevent compliance with the above requirements, you must, as soon as is reasonably possible, make the required report to police and locate the driver, some other occupant or the custodian of such damaged vehicle, and report your name, address, driver's license number, and vehicle registration number.

At Kalfus & Nachman PC, we’ve helped thousands of clients by providing them with aggressive, competent legal support. We are dedicated to fighting for full compensation for victims and we never back down from problematic or complex cases. No matter what you are up against, our attorneys can evaluate the circumstances of your bus accident injury and provide a custom plan of action to meet your specific needs.

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