Norfolk Child Walking on Crosswalk Hit, Killed
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Norfolk Child Walking on Crosswalk Hit, Killed

A Norfolk family is grieving after their-year-old son was hit and killed by a truck on September 21, 2024 in front of Richard Bowling Elementary and the new Broad Creek library.

Gregory Bateman Jr. left the Broad Creek library Friday around 5:00 p.m. to walk home, but the 6th grader never made it. Bateman was walking through a crosswalk when a truck struck him.

A doctor passing by stopped to help but Gregory didn’t have a pulse.

The driver of the truck immediately stopped and stayed at the scene. Police said.

In the wake of the tragedy, Bateman’s parents are working to implement increased safety measures on this strip of road.

Neighbor Leticia Latham expressed her concern to the school's principal for the speeding in this neighborhood a year ago, and after Gregory's death she started a petition to get traffic lights.

Latham was also at the latest city council meeting stating the need to regulate traffic on the 10-block stretch between Park Avenue and Ballentine.

City spokesperson Lori Crouch says traffic engineers are looking to increase the safety of road, but in the meantime they've put out more crosswalk and speed limit signage. She says they've also increased the police presence during the beginning and end of the school days.

Officials say the investigation into the incident is ongoing.

The Bateman family reported that they intend to press charges.

As Norfolk pedestrian accident lawyers, our firm has helped numerous people who have been injured in accidents with motor vehicles as pedestrians. If you or a loved one have been injured in an in an accident caused by the negligence of another person, please call Kalfus & Nachman PC today to schedule a consultation with a Norfolk personal injury attorney. Our office can be reached at (855) 880-8163

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