Virginia’s ‘Move Over’ Law: what means | Kalfus & Nachman PC
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Virginia’s ‘Move Over’ Law: what means

In Virginia, when construction crews or flashing lights are on the road, it's the law to slow down and if possible, drivers are to move away from the activity by changing lanes.

However, not everyone on the road does change lanes when they see activity ahead, which could lead to tragedy. On October 11, a tractor-trailer struck a Hanover fire engine that was responding to an accident during Tropical Storm Michael, injuring multiple firefighters and killing Lt. Brad Clark.

Now Hanover’s fire chief is urging drivers to follow the law and hopefully prevent another tragedy.

“When you see first responders, construction workers, police, we want people to move over, it is the law but more importantly it’s the right thing to do,” Chief Jethro Piland III said.

Virginia law (§ 46.2-921.1) states that “upon approaching a stationary vehicle that is displaying a flashing, blinking or alternating blue, red or amber light or lights,” drivers shall:

On a highway having at least four lanes, at least two of which are intended for traffic proceeding as the approaching vehicle, proceed with caution and, if reasonable, with due regard for safety and traffic conditions, yield the right of way by making a lane change into a lane not adjacent to the stationary vehicle or,

“If changing lanes would be unreasonable or unsafe, proceed with due caution and maintain a safe speed for highway conditions.

A single violation of the “Move Over” law is punishable as a traffic infraction. Subsequent violations may be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

If you have been seriously injured in a vehicle accident, please contact Kalfus & Nachman today to schedule a free initial consultation. We represent clients throughout the Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Roanoke, Portsmouth, and Hampton areas of Virginia.

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