Vehicle Drives into Water in Portsmouth | Vehicle Drives into Water in Portsmouth
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Vehicle Drives into Water in Portsmouth

Two people were inside a vehicle when it ended up in a body of water off George Washington Highway in the afternoon of November 1, 2024 in Portsmouth.

Portsmouth Fire Rescue and Emergency Services responded to the call in the 3600 block around 3 p.m.

The reason for the vehicle was driven into the water was not reported. Fire officials say the two occupants are expected to be okay. They were taken to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries.

What to Do If Your Car Ends Up in Water

1. Don’t panic.

2. Skip mobile communication. Trying to call 911 to come and rescue you isn’t your best move because the responders probably won’t get there on time and you need that time to take action.

3. Unlock the doors. If it’s dark, first turn on your interior lights then unlock your doors. A vehicle’s electronics system should work for some time after your crash.

4. Plan your escape. Escape while the car is floating on the surface. Your car will stay afloat for a short time so use time to escape. Remove heavy clothing, roll down your windows, and swim away as fast as you can.

5. Wait to open the door. This sounds scary, but you won’t be able to open the door until it is fully submerged, because the rising water puts too much pressure against it. Once the pressure inside has equalized the doors should be able to open,

6. If a door won’t open, break a window. If the electrical system has already failed and water is on the glass you can try kicking the window out. It’s a good idea to have a tool special tool that is sold that is seat belt cutter and window hammer or something similar accessible in your car at all times. Many of the products designed for breaking glass can also be used to cut your seat belt. Use it on your windows not the windshield—it is laminated safety glass, and you won’t get through it.

If you or a family member has been injured in an accident caused by another person, the best option is to contact our attorneys and file a lawsuit. We will tenaciously represent you and work to get you the maximum amount you deserve. Please contact Kalfus & Nachman today by calling (855) 880-8163. We are proud to serve the communities of Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia.

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