May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month | Virginia Injury Lawyers
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May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Motorcyclists in Hampton Roads have all the same rights and privileges as any motor vehicle driver on the roadway but are very vulnerable to roadway accidents. This means they are entitled to their space on the road, no matter the size of their ride. It is not uncommon to see large groups of motorcyclists on I-264 heading to the Oceanfront this time of year. But they to must follow the same road laws as other vehicles, including keeping a safe distance from other vehicles. It is against the law to for them to ride in between traffic during heavy congestion. In 2013, 4,668 motorcyclists died. In Virginia alone, there were 64 motorcycle fatalities and over seventeen hundred injuries reported. We want to reduce that number to zero.

During the month of May, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) encourages all that ride motorcycles to learn the safest way to share the road with automobiles. Motorcycles are more vulnerable to accidents because they are so much smaller than cars and trucks. Because of this, any time an accident occurs between an automobile and a motorcycle, the motorcyclist is most likely to get severely injured or even suffer death.

At Kalfus & Nachman, we’d like to join the NHTSA in spreading awareness about how to ride safely and be prepared.

Motorcycle Safety Tips

Here are some tips from the NHTSA that can help you and your family stay safe while on your motorcycles:

  • Wear the proper type of helmet and ensure that it fits properly
  • Wear protective clothing that cover your entire body
  • Obey traffic signals, laws, and regulations
  • Be aware of other vehicles because they may not see you
  • Always be wary when changing lanes, turning left, or going around a corner as you may not be seen
  • Avoid other cars’ blind spots
  • Always ride sober
  • Keep your lights on and always wear reflective clothing

Keep Safe This Summer

With summer nearly here, we’re sure that you’re getting your bikes ready for the warm weather. At Kalfus & Nachman, we’ve seen far too many horrible tragedies occur from a motorcyclist that wasn’t taking the proper precautions, so we hope you’ll heed these tips and stay safe.

If you’re ever in need of help from one of our attorneys, please contact Kalfus & Nachman today by calling (855) 880-8163. We serve clients in Norfolk, Newport News, Roanoke, and the surrounding areas.

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