It's Raining in Hampton Roads: 3 Important Car Safety Tips | Virginia Injury Lawyers
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It's Raining in Hampton Roads: 3 Important Safety Tips

The forecasters are calling for rain for the next few days across the Hampton Roads Region. Here are few tips on staying safe

Many car accidents are easily avoidable simply by paying attention and adhering to a few golden rules of the road. Take a look and see just how easy it is to drive safer with just three quick tips.

1. Wear your seat belt.

It should go without saying that seat belts are vital to keep you safe on the road, yet year after year so many people are hurt or killed in crashes who weren't wearing a seatbelt.

A seat belt is often your only line of defense against severe injury or death in a major accident. Buckling up takes one second, but could really save your life in every sense of the word.

As a driver, it's your responsibility to both buckle up and ensures that the other passengers in your vehicle are safely strapped in, too.

2. Put away your phone.

Time and time again, cell phone usage has proven to be a major factor in car crashes by contributing to distracted driving.

In some cases, the effects of driving while texting or playing with your phone can have as great an impact on your likelihood to crash as driving while intoxicated.

When it's time to drive, put your phone on silent. Sending a quick text message isn't worth your life.

3. Give other drivers breathing room.

Another big factor in car crashes is not allowing your vehicle enough time to stop, either by speeding or tailgating other drivers.

For every 10 mph your vehicle is traveling, make sure there's at least one car length between the front of your car and the back of the car in front of you.

Although strictly adhering to this rule can be impossible during rush hour traffic, avoiding tailgating the best you possibly can give you a much better chance at avoiding accidents.

#carsafetytips #goldenrulesoftheroad