Video: Family Recovers For Negligence After Boy Hit In The Eye By Bow & Arrow
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Family Recovers For Negligence After Boy Hit In The Eye By Bow & Arrow

Family Recovers For Negligence After Boy Hit In The Eye By Bow & Arrow. Listen as Paul Hernandez describes a situation where he recovered compensation for an injured boy following a bow and arrow accident. After going over to his friend's house, the two boys gained permission from the father to shoot cans off a split rail fence with a bow and arrow. After doing so for about fifteen minutes, the younger brother of the boy who was over at his friend's house came over and asked if he could play. They told him he was too young to play with them, and he stood on the same side of the house. The boy then shot the bow and arrow; it missed the can, hit the fence and bounced off hitting the little boy in the eye. Unfortunately, he lost fifty percent of his vision, despite numerous surgeries. The parents of the injured boy came to us, asking what could be done to recover compensation for his injury. We were able to recover compensation from the homeowner's insurance of two people: the boy who actually shot the arrow and the father of the house due to negligent entrustment and negligent supervision. While we were unable to bring back his eyesight, this significant monetary compensation will help to pay for his college and give him a nest egg for his life. Watch the video to learn more.