Video: What Is Mediation?
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What Is Mediation?

In many types of cases, you may not know that there are other options besides going to court and having to sit through a trial with a judge and jury.

While some cases lead to trial, others are settled during the process by the attorneys or by an act called mediation.

Mediation is when a third party assists you and the other party you’re suing come to a settlement. This third party person has no tie to either side and has no vested interest, so they can be completely unbiased. There are some good benefits to a mediation. It will cost less to do a mediation than continue to trial, plus the mediation is there only to help you settle. It works in both parties interest to settle without having to go to trial. Basically, both sides explain to a judge the issue at hand. Then the parties are separated and the judge moves back and forth between rooms trying to get what each side wants accomplished and coming to a mutual resolution.