Commit to Road Safety This New Year | Kalfus & Nachman
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Commit to Road Safety This New Year

out of focus cars driving on the road

Kalfus & Nachman wish you all a very Happy New Year! We encourage Virginians to add road safety to their 2023 resolution and take steps to commit to road safety this new year.

Remember, Virginia is a great place to live and work, but it can be dangerous too. The population of Virginia increased by 1% (68,641), licensed drivers rose by 1% (52,184), registered vehicles increased by 1% (69,504), and overall fatalities increased by 14% in 2021. In 2021, Virginia witnessed 118,498 crashes, a 12.2% increase from 2020. Nine hundred and sixty-eight lives were lost, and 58,786 injuries were reported. In the first four months of 2022, approximately 2000 people were injured, and the top jurisdictions included Hampton City (93), Fairfax County (77), and Henrico County/Richmond City/Virginia Beach City (69 each). Make sure you stay safe on the roads this new year by following these tips and being aware of your surroundings.

Tips For Driving Safely On Virginia Roads

On average, one accident occurred every four minutes in Virginia; one motorist out of every twenty-eight licensed drivers was involved in a collision; approximately three lives were lost, and 161 people were injured daily. We need to commit to road safety because it is our families who are suffering from the banality of death and injury on our roads – we need to commit to changing this! Here are a few vital tips to stay safe on Virginia roads:

  • Wear your seatbelt: This is the most important thing you can do to keep yourself safe while driving. It's illegal to drive without a seatbelt, and it only takes one person dying in an accident caused by others not wearing theirs to make us all realize how serious this issue is! If you're planning on driving somewhere new after New Year's Day, take some time out of your schedule to buckle up before hitting the road again—and don't forget about passengers!
  • Don't text and drive: We all know that texting behind the wheel is dangerous, but many people still do it because they think it won't affect them or their ability to pay attention while driving (it does). Texting also distracts drivers from what's happening around them. Try not even looking down at your phone until after traffic has stopped moving; this will keep your mind focused on what needs doing at all times.
  • Slow down: Allow extra time to reach your destination and give yourself room between vehicles traveling at high speeds so that no one gets hurt due to an accident caused by reckless driving behavior (like speeding).
  • Don't drive impaired: Avoid driving after consuming alcohol or drugs if possible because this may impair judgment skills needed during critical moments like those leading up to collisions with other vehicles, which could cost lives lost. Always have a designated driver if going to drinking parties.
  • Be prepared for the unexpected: Remember that the road is a shared space, so be aware of where you are and who else is around you. Ask yourself if there's anyone in your blind spot before changing lanes or stopping at an intersection.
  • Stay alert and drive defensively: Avoid distractions while driving—such as texting, eating, or drinking—that can impair your ability to respond quickly enough when someone approaches from behind (or crashes into you). Also, don't forget about weather conditions; rain showers are particularly dangerous because they make it harder for drivers to see around corners or obstacles ahead!
  • Winter safety tips for motorists: The winter months are here, and it's time to prepare for the coming season. Snow tires or chains may be required in some regions of Virginia if snow is on the ground, so ensure they are adequately maintained before taking your vehicle out onto the roadways in winter weather conditions! And always pack an emergency kit and blankets, and fully charge mobile devices for a breakdown or emergency.
  • Motorcyclists wear helmets: Head injuries are one of the leading causes of fatalities and disabilities among motorcyclists involved in crashes. The risk of sustaining traumatic brain injury is high for them, making it crucial to take action to protect themselves while riding. Wearing a Department of Transportation-approved helmet is one of the many protections a motorcyclist can take to improve safety on Virginia roads.
  • Pedestrians and bicyclists stay visible: Pedestrians and bicyclists should always be visible to motorists. At night or in poor weather, they should wear reflective clothing. In addition, pedestrians should use a flashlight with a red light, and bicyclists should equip their bikes with bright lights enough to be seen.
  • Know what to do after a crash: Knowing what to do after a crash is essential for your safety and the safety of others. If you are involved in a traffic crash, the first thing to do is to stay calm and proceed with caution. Immediately call an experienced personal injury lawyer in Virginia; they will help you protect your legal rights.

Committing to road safety is an integral part of driving. It can help reduce the financial and legal risks associated with operating motor vehicles in our daily lives, but it's not enough to talk about it. You have to actively work towards making sure that your actions reflect the commitment you say you have.

Injured? Take the first step, call experienced attorneys!

A car accident attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries, whether it's a minor fender bender or an injury that requires more prolonged medical treatment.

When you hire a Virginia car accident lawyer, they'll be able to file a claim on your behalf with the insurance company to collect damages from them. In addition to representing you in court, they'll also work with doctors and other experts to determine what caused the accident and know precisely how much money is needed for treatment and other expenses associated with an injury.

Contact Virginia’s leading personal injury attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman if you or a family member has been injured in an accident due to someone else's negligence or carelessness. Call us for a free consultation today: 855-880-8163

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