Case Study: Woman Falls In Grease Trap In Handicap Parking Space
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Case Study: Woman Falls In Grease Trap In Handicap Parking Space

Attorney Tom Fitzgerald shares a Case Study

Listen as Virginia Injury Trial Attorney Tom Fitzgerald shares a Case Study on a recent client he represented.

After parking her car, a young woman slipped and fell in a handicapped parking spot outside a restaurant. The restaurant had decided to locate their grease trap in the handicapped parking spot.

Soon after filing a claim, the insurance company denied the claim. At that point, we began to investigate the incident.

During our investigation, we discovered and obtained a video that clearly showed the restaurant was at fault. Based on this video we were able to secure a large settlement for our client.

If you have additional questions regarding an injury sustained on the premises of a business or any other personal injury matter, I want you to call me Tom Fitzgerald at 1-888-487-8546. I welcome your call or visit our educational website at

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Kalfus & Nachman

Offices in Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia. Also Serving Northeastern North Carolina.



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Video Transcript

A lady falls in a grease trap located in a handicap parking space in a restaurant parking lot. And the restaurant denies it's their fault.

Hi. I'm Tom Fitzgerald, one of the trial attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman. And I specialize in helping injured persons throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

I recently represented a woman who fell in a handicap spot outside a restaurant. The restaurant had decided to locate their grease trap in the handicap parking space. When we submitted her claim, they denied it. But, we fought for her. We got the video that showed it was their fault, and we were able to secure a large recovery for that client.

You may be wondering why I'm telling you this, because you may have questions about your own situation or your own case. Call me, Tom Fitzgerald at Kalfus & Nachman (888) 487-8546, and I will be glad to discuss the issues in your situation or your case.

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