What Death Benefits am I Entitled to Under Virginia Work Comp?
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What Death Benefits am I Entitled to Under Virginia Work Comp?

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To begin with, in the state of Virginia, if an employee dies due to a work-related injury or dies at their job site, their dependents are entitled to workers' compensation death benefits. Under Virginia's workers' compensation laws, if an employee dies while at their job or dies at a later time due to an injury or occupational disease.

Furthermore, in the state of Virginia, if an employee dies due to a work-related injury or dies at their job site, their dependents are entitled to workers' compensation death benefits. Under Virginia's workers' compensation laws, if an employee dies while at their job or dies later due to an injury or occupational disease that occurred during a work-related accident, the employee's dependents will be financially compensated for funeral expenses and lost wages of the employee.

If the employee suffered a work-related injury and died within nine years of the work-related accident, their dependents will still qualify to receive compensation benefits. Workers' comp death benefits will cover funeral expenses, but not exceed $10,000, and will cover up to 1,000 in travel expenses.

For dependent benefits, or compensation being given to the decedent dependents or family members, there are different levels of compensation given based on the type of dependency. Those who qualify for full dependent benefits will be given 500 weeks of benefits starting from the date of the injury.

Moreover, the following individuals may qualify for full dependent benefits:

  • A husband/wife who lived with and was dependent on their spouse at the time of injury or death.
  • Children under the age of 18
  • Disabled child the age of 18 or over
  • Children under the age of 23 and currently enrolled in school full-time

Step-children, adopted, and illegitimate children that are acknowledged also qualified to receive compensation benefits. Also, if there are multiple total dependencies then compensation will be divided equally among all the dependents.

We’re Your Work Comp Experts

Have you been injured on the job or contracted an illness due to an unhealthy work environment? If so, then the Norfolk workers’ compensation attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman PC can help you file your lawsuit. There are several laws that can effect on the outcome of your case, so it’s extremely important to have a workers' comp lawyer on your side to assist you through the entire process. Get help with your workers’ compensation lawsuit. We specialize in workers’ compensation and help employees who have been injured within the State of Virginia. Contact us today by calling (855) 880-8163.

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