What Kind of Benefits are Available Under Virginia Work Comp?
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What Kind of Benefits are Available Under Virginia Work Comp?

The Virginia state law provides for many types of benefits for employees who have suffered an injury or occupational illness while on the job. These benefits cost to the injured worker nothing, and are required to be covered for as long as the employee suffers from the condition.

  • Medical Care: You are allowed to see a treating physician, though your employer may choose a panel of three physicians for you to choose from. You may object if the choices are not adequate for your needs, but it’s advised you speak with an attorney before making your choice. You may change your physician, but only in select circumstances.
  • Psychiatric Care: If you suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other mental illnesses that can be linked to your job, the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission will order your employer to provide you with psychiatric care at no cost to you.
  • Specialist Visits: If your injury requires you to see a specialist for proper treatment, your employer will be required to provide you with a specialist for further treatment. The employer may not manage or control who the specialist is.
  • Prosthetics: If you have lost an arm, hand, leg, foot, eye, tooth, or other limb, your employer may be required to cover the costs of a replacement prosthetic for you. The employer must also repair any of these devices that are damaged in an accident. This also covers your hearing—your employer may be required to cover the cost of hearing aids if your hearing suffers from your work.
  • Home Care: If the Commission considers it necessary that you receive in-home treatment from a nursing service as a result of your injury, your employer will be required to cover these costs. The circumstances around this is fairly rare, so you should speak with an attorney if your treating physician recommends your receiving in-home care.

We’re your Virginia Work Comp experts

Virginia workers' compensation laws were written to help injured workers without the need of going through the court system. Unfortunately, businesses and their workers' compensation insurance companies can make obtaining the help you deserve more difficult than it should be.

Have you been injured on the job or contracted an illness due to an unhealthy work environment? If so, then the Norfolk workers’ compensation attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman PC can help you file your lawsuit. There are several laws that can effect on the outcome of your case, so it’s extremely important to have a workers' comp lawyer on your side to assist you through the entire process. Get help with your workers’ compensation lawsuit. Contact us today by calling (855) 880-8163.

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