What is the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission?
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What is the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission?

In short, the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission is an independent state agency in which they work with people to use and understand the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act. The VWCC works to help everyone, from injured employees to employers, in issues surrounding workers’ compensation. The Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission works closely with anyone who is seeking assistance for workplace injury or disease.

The Commission has a very unique authority when it comes to worker’s compensation in Virginia. They, exclusively, have the power to decide all workers’ compensation claims; the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission also has the right to look at a case’s settlement terms and decide if they are suitable for the injured employee. The commission has jurisdiction over many claims in workers’ compensation including benefit claims, employer hearings to adjourn benefits, as well as claims filed by injured employees seeking benefits surrounding medical, wage loss, and permanent or partial disability. If the commission deems a case inadequate, they have the power to disapprove the settlement to renegotiate a better one. Although, it should be noted that the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission can be objected by an employer or an injured employee.

The Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission has numerous powers that allow it to do its job of disputing claims within its jurisdiction. In order to allocate benefits, the commission has the power to do the following:​​​​

  • Make and enforce rules that are within the guidelines of the Workers Compensation Act
  • Warrant witnesses to testify at hearing as well as medical records and other documentary evidence
  • Compel witnesses or medical providers to attend depositions and hearings or produce reports and records
  • Administer oaths to witnesses
  • Take testimony at hearing such as asking a witness questions
  • Listen to arguments made by the parties’ attorneys as well as witness testimonies presented by the parties
  • Review written motions filed by the parties
  • Make evidential rulings both before the hearing and at the hearing
  • Issue decisions on disputed issues
  • Enter awards carrying out the applicable decision
  • Sanction attorneys, employers, claimants, insurance carriers, and medical providers for misconduct and to punish for contempt sometimes by issuing monetary fines for failure to comply with Commission orders or striking claims or defenses.

The Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission is headed by one Executive Director and three former Workers’ Compensation lawyers called commissioners. As directed by the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act, each commissioner has a particular job.

We’re your Work Comp experts

Have you been injured on the job or contracted an illness due to an unhealthy work environment? If so, then the Norfolk workers’ compensation attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman PC can help you file your lawsuit. There are several laws that can effect on the outcome of your case, so it’s extremely important to have a workers' comp lawyer on your side to assist you through the entire process. Get help with your workers’ compensation lawsuit. We specialize in workers’ compensation and help employees who have been injured within the State of Virginia. Contact us today by calling (855) 880-8163.

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