What is SR22 Insurance Virginia?
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What is SR22 Insurance Virginia?

If you got your license suspended, you might have heard SR22 insurance being mentioned to you. SR22 insurance is a type of high risk insurance for drivers whose driver’s license has been suspended for non-alcohol related causes. If you don’t own a car and want to re-claim your driving privileges, you will need to purchase non-owner SR22 insurance.

SR22 is a document often required by Virginia state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) proving that a driver is carrying the state’s required minimum amount of vehicle liability insurance. Once an SR22 expires or is cancelled, the insurance company will issue an SR-26 certifying the cancelation of the policy.

Virginia’s minimum SR22 coverage is as follows:

  • Bodily injury or death of a person: $25,000
  • Bodily injury or death of more persons: $50,000
  • Property damage: $20,000

An SR22 filing is required for the following convictions on your record:

  • Too many tickets
  • DUI
  • Uninsured motor vehicle suspension
  • Failure to provide proof of insurance
  • Unsatisfied judgments
  • Reckless driving
  • Voluntary or involuntary manslaughter
  • Falsifying insurance documentation

No matter what the reason for to need to have an SR22, you are required to maintain the filing for 3-years. If at any time during the 3-year required filing period if there is a lapse in your SR22 insurance your provider is obligated to inform the Virginia DMV of your lapse in coverage.

If this happens the D.M.V. will send you a “Notice of Suspension” letter telling you that your Virginia driver’s license has been suspended and in order to reinstate your driver’s license you will need to bring your insurance policy current and have your insurance provider file another SR22 bond with the Department of Motor Vehicles. You will also be required to pay an additional driver’s license reinstatement fee to the D.M.V.

If you are in need of a personal injury lawyer to advocate on your behalf in the event of an injury caused by another’s actions, Kalfus & Nachman wants to help. Our trusted legal team will work tirelessly to ensure you are able to obtain the compensation you deserve, whether it be for your medical bills, loss of work or wages, or pain and suffering. Don’t hesitate to schedule an initial consultation with a member of our firm by calling us at (855) 880-8163.