I was in an accident and my vehicle needs to be towed, what happens next?
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I was in an accident and my vehicle needs to be towed, what happens next?

Well, it might be a bit of a hassle, but if your car had to be towed because of an accident, cost of the tow is typically covered if you purchased coverage for damage to your auto.

If your vehicle had to be towed because of a mechanical breakdown, the cost of the tow is generally covered if you purchased Roadside Assistance coverage. Check your policy for details or contact your insurance agent.

Most cities and municipalities issue licenses to the towing companies, and their operators, in their region. However, if you are involved in an accident and your preferred towing company is licensed in that region then yes, you may be able to call them.

If the accident is impeding traffic, the responding police officer will want it removed as quickly as possible and may have the tow truck that is already on the scene tow your vehicle to a storage lot. Once the vehicle is on the tow truck, that tow operator has the right to be paid. So, having him drop the vehicle somewhere out of the way of traffic so your preferred towing company can pick it up is not recommended as it will cost double.

If the police department that is investigating your accident is very busy he or she may have the tow truck that is already there pick up your car. Even though you didn’t authorize the tow yourself, know that most officers know the tow operators in their area and probably wouldn’t work with them if they knew them to be careless or unethical - most police officers simply wouldn’t want any issues to come up with the tow that they would have to deal with.

Once your car is at the lot, your insurance company will dispatch an adjuster out to see if they feel the car is worth fixing.

In years past, drivers in an accident typically had to get three repair estimates. But no you no longer need to get multiple estimates to have your car repaired. Most body shops are connected with the insurance companies and a single estimate will always suffice.

Even if your insurance company suggests that they will only guarantee the repairs if they work is done at one of the body shops in their network, the truth is the body shop is the one providing the warranty, not the insurance company. So check with your shop about their warranty, prior to getting any work done, or even moving your accident-damaged car to their facility. Remember, you have the ultimate right to choose where your car is repaired.

If you are in need of a personal injury lawyer to advocate on your behalf in the event of an injury caused by another’s actions, Kalfus & Nachman wants to help. Our trusted legal team will work tirelessly to ensure you are able to obtain the compensation you deserve, whether it be for your medical bills, loss of work or wages, or pain and suffering. Don’t hesitate to schedule an initial consultation with a member of our firm by calling us at (855) 880-8163.

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