What are the keys to a successful SSD or SSI claim?

What are the keys to a successful SSD or SSI claim?

Well, in order to better ensure your claim is successful, you must provide as much evidence as you can provide that convinces the claims handler to approve you for receiving SSD or SSI. As representative in your case, your attorney will make sure that your evidence is thoroughly represented.

Gathering evidence involves securing all the necessary documentation from your physicians and therapists. It is important to keep accurate and dated records of all treatments, scans, doctor and hospital visits, and receipts for any over-the-counter treatments you purchase. You may also some of your medical providers to supply you with supporting letters discussing the extent to which your condition impacts your daily life.

Of course, you know how your disability affects your life; you live with it every day. However, when it comes to providing that information to an administrative law judge at your hearing (the judge may ask you to speak at the end of the hearing, or your attorney may ask you to speak) many individuals become nervous and forget important pieces of information that could have otherwise supported their case. You should make a list of limitations from your disability to use it when applying for benefits or appealing a decision. It is important to keep your list of limitations updated should your disability worsen. Also, you should continuously update the physician support documentation you provide.

All disability applications take your ability to earn income into account, along with any other financial resources you may have available to you. By showing that your income and resources are not sufficient to support your needs, you will address one of the two qualifying components for disability benefits. The inability to earn income, lack of resources, and any expenditure related to your disability will provide a great amount of support for your claim.

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