How long do I have to wait after becoming disabled before I can file for Social Security disability benefits?
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How long do I have to wait after becoming disabled before I can file for Social Security disability benefits?

If you were ever to become disabled, you don’t even have to wait one day, you can file for Social Security disability benefits he very same day that you become disabled. Many people assume they have to wait to file and make the mistake of waiting months and even years after becoming disabled before filing a Social Security disability claim. This isn’t the case if you only have only a minor illness or one which is unlikely to last a year or more. However, a person who suffers serious illness or injury and expects to be out of work for a year or more should not hesitate to file a claim for Social Security disability benefits.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a Social Security disability program which provides benefits for people who have worked and earned enough “credits” to qualify for disability benefits. Many people are under the impression that it is difficult to receive Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. In order to be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, a person must be unable to perform substantial gainful activity due to physical or mental impairment which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least twelve consecutive months. It is not necessary to wait the entire twelve-month period to file a claim. If you know that a physical or mental impairment is going to prevent you from working, and anticipate that you still will have this condition for twelve consecutive months, then you can file on day one or as soon as you have a diagnosis.

You should consider applying for Social Security Disability if:

  • You have been seriously ill/injured and are not able to work for an extended period of time;
  • You have an illness which is expected to end in death in less than 12 months;
  • You are unable to work and are covered by private disability insurance, your insurance carrier may require that you apply for benefits

How Our Norfolk Disability Lawyers Can Help

At Kalfus & Nachman PC, we've helped hundreds of people get the disability help they are entitled to. The process of applying for early Social Security Disability benefits can be long and frustrating. Without legal help, it can take up to 2 ½ years to get benefits. Hiring Kalfus & Nachman PC to help you receive these benefits can significantly lessen this waiting period. We have solid experience and understand complicated federal regulations governing Social Security Disability claims. We'll help you get through the system to get the benefits you need. Call us today!

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