What should I know about buying auto insurance?
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What should I know about buying auto insurance?

Choosing and purchasing the limits of your auto insurance coverage and what those limits mean is a very important consideration. Think about this: if you did not purchase the right amount of coverage, you could be sued and ordered to pay damages to someone you injured in an accident. Taking the time to understand your auto insurance coverage limits and how they will work in the aftermath of an accident could turn out to be one of the most important decisions of your life.

The minimum amount of liability coverage required to legally have vehicle on the road in Virginia is a $25,000/$50,000 policy. This means that buying a $25,000/$50,000 policy means that a claim against a driver of the covered vehicle results in protection of only $25,000 for the death or injury of any one person and total coverage of $50,000 for any single accident regardless of how many people are injured or killed. These are the minimum limits that have been in place for many years. Unfortunately, these minimum limits haven’t kept pace with skyrocketing medical costs. This difference in coverage versus true cost is a major issue. Frankly, the legal minimum liability coverage is significantly insufficient for what is needed for adequate protection in the event of a serious accident. Not carrying enough insurance when you can afford to obtain a higher level of coverage is taking a chance with fate. Of course, every personal situation is different and what is a good level of coverage for you might be different for someone else. Finding the right coverage can be confusing as well. Listed below are some helpful tips to consider when shopping for auto insurance.

• Meet with a reputable insurance agent and go over the different levels of coverages to understand

the amounts and types of coverages which best suit your needs and finances


• Never buy insurance over the internet unless you truly understand of the risks of your decisions, know exactly what you will face if you are involved in an accident. Never Buy Insurance Based On What Is the Cheapest Coverage Available.

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