Bard Hernia Mesh Complications
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Bard Hernia Mesh Complications

The Bard Hernia Mesh is designed to treat hernias by conforming to the size and shape of the hernia, but recent lawsuits have claimed that the device can cause serious complications.

These hernia mesh devices are made with a type of material that was never approved for long-term use. In fact, the Bard Hernia Mesh was “approved” through a type of FDA approval process where the company never had to prove that their product was safe. Instead, they simply had to show the FDA that their mesh was “similar to other available products” that were already approved by the FDA.

The type of material used to make the mesh has been shown to degrade over time, causing a range of complications for patients such as pain, infection, recurrent hernia, nerve damage and infections.

Specifically, users of this hernia mesh sometimes faced severe bowel obstruction that later required surgery. It’s claimed that direct contact between the hernia mesh and the colon can cause necrosis and degradation, leading to severe leg and groin pain that interferes with the patient’s ability to walk.

If you’re suffering from injuries related to a hernia mesh and you’re looking for a hernia mesh attorney, give us a call. We’re ready to help.

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