Bicycle Safety Tips for Kids and Adults
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Bicycle Safety Tips for Kids and Adults

Every year, thousands of bicyclists are injured and killed in preventable accidents caused by negligent drivers who fail to be aware of their surroundings and share the road. Unfortunately, as a bicyclist, you don't have control over the actions of others. You can do everything right and still find yourself the victim of a catastrophic accident. However, there are plenty of safety measures you can take to ensure that you are riding as conscientiously as possible, which can curb your chances of being in an accident.

Here are five things you can do to protect yourself while on your bike:

  • Follow all relevant traffic laws and signs. Remember, your bicycle is a vehicle, just like any other.
  • Wear bright, reflective clothing and invest in reflectors for your bicycle to make yourself more visible to other motorists.
  • Check your bicycle before you start your trip. Make sure your tires are properly inflated, your brakes are working, and your chain is rust-free and unencumbered.
  • Always wear a properly fitted helmet.
  • Always pay close attention to the road and your surroundings. Don't listen to music through headphones or engage in other distracting behavior.

Again, we understand that following these tips is not a guarantee. We have seen too many innocent victims to believe that. But we do know that vigilance and cautious bicycle operation can reduce your risk of an accident, and they can protect your legal rights in the event of an unavoidable accident.

Bicycle Safety for Kids

Watch the video below for helpful information on how to keep your kids safe while they ride their bicycles:

Contact Kalfus & Nachman for Legal Aid in Virginia

If you've been hurt in a bicycle accident in the Norfolk, Virginia area and need an experienced attorney to represent you, please call Kalfus & Nachman PC today at (855) 880-8163 for a free consultation. We're here to help.

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