Spring Forward Safely
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Spring Forward Safely

Every year, Daylight Savings Time begins on the second Sunday of March. Except in most of Arizona and Hawaii, clocks across the country are set forward by one hour. This year, DST begins on March 13th.

Even more crucial than changing your clocks twice per year is changing the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Although it's recommended to replace those batteries every year, remembering to do so at the start and end of DST every year means you're covered just in case you forgot last time.

Now's also a great time to go over your family's emergency safety plan, take expired medications to a designated prescription box for disposal, and keep your first aid kit up to date.

So set those clocks forward, replace those batteries, and get ready for spring—it's just around the corner.

#springcleaning #springforwardsafely