Parking Lot Accidents-More Common than You Think | Virginia Injury Lawyers
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Parking Lot Accidents-More Common than You Think

Surprisingly, about 20% of all car accidents occur in commercial parking lots. And with the biggest shopping period of the year upon us, parking areas from the MacArthur Center to Patrick Henry Mall to Lynnhaven are going to be packed for the foreseeable future.

Both drivers and pedestrians tend to get lulled into a false sense of security while in parking lots. They're more “controlled” than roadways, yet the lower speed limits do little to prevent collisions in these highly congested, tightly packed areas.

Parking lot accidents can occur when drivers back out of parking spaces blind when the shopping carts roll in front of moving vehicles, when pedestrians accidentally walk in front of traffic, or when drivers ignore or miss designated crosswalks.

Thankfully, the low-speed limits in parking lots tend to prevent major injuries. However, you may still need an attorney if:

  • You suffer injuries (not just property of vehicle damage);
  • Specifically, severe injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, organ damage, etc;
  • Your injuries require an extensive hospital stay.

Otherwise, it's probably easier to reach a settlement with the other driver's insurance company yourself.

Parking lot accidents can occur without warning. Stay alert—parking areas are still dangerous, just like any place where cars and people mix. Try to do your holiday shopping online or during off hours when your local shopping center has less traffic, and have a safe and wonderful holiday season.

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