Diverging Diamonds at I-64 Interchange | Virginia Injury Lawyers
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Diverging Diamonds at I-64 Interchange

Completed in 2014, the interchange at I-64 and Route 15 near Zion Crossroads was designed to ease congestion and speed up travel for commuters and local traffic.

The crossing makes use of diverging diamonds traffic patterns, which means drivers passing through the interchange's traffic signal will follow their lane onto the opposite side of the road, making it easy to merge left onto Interstate 64 with no need to stop.

Through traffic, on the other hand, proceeds to a second signal and then crosses back onto the right side of the road.

While the concept of lanes switching to the opposite side of the road sounds complicated and dangerous, simply following your standard traffic light procedures and staying in your lane will keep you safe as you cross from one side to the other.

Diverging diamond interchanges reduce the number of vehicle collisions and can handle more than twice as much traffic as traditional interchange designs.

If you ever need to use a diverging diamond interchange, don't stress—simply follow the signs and traffic lights and drive as normal.

#divergingdiamonds #noninterchangeable.

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