Roanoke, VA Attorneys | Should You Buy GAP Insurance?
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Should You Buy GAP Insurance? -- Roanoke, VA Attorneys

When you purchase car insurance, you may be asked by the dealer whether you'd like to buy GAP insurance. Oftentimes, this question is ignored because you may not fully understand what GAP insurance actually is.

In this video, our Roanoke, Virginia attorney, Paul Hernandez, describes what GAP insurance is and how it may help you and your family if you are involved in a car accident.

GAP insurance stands for Guaranteed Auto Protection and can help cover the difference between the purchase amount and loan amount of your vehicle should you be involved in an accident. At Kalfus & Nachman, our accident attorneys encourage you to contact us for help with all of your legal questions, including the ones about GAP insurance. Please call us today at (855) 880-8163.