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Are Trains Really Traveling Slowly?

On Yesterday, a horrific accident occurred during rush hour outside of New York City at a Metro-North Grade Crossing in Valhalla. According to an MTA spokesman, an SUV-Jeep was stopped at the tracks, and the gates came down on the Jeep, which was shoved about 10 car lengths by the train, Donovan said. Six people were killed, and 15 have been injured, this is the deadliest crash in Metro North’s History of operation.

Here locally in Hampton Roads we have numerous grade crossings , that are operated by CSX, Hampton Roads Transit, Norfolk Southern and Amtrack. These trains carry freight and passengers. Even though they it may appear these trains are not traveling at very high speeds, it is still very difficult for them to stop quickly for pedestrians and motor vehicles. It takes a mile or more to stop a train, which is equivalent to eighteen football fields. The average weight of a freight train is 12 million pounds vs. 4,000 pounds in the US.

According to the FRA, in 2013, 250 people were killed in collisions at Grade Crossings. Nine people were killed in vehicle -rail accidents and 19 (deaths and injuries) by trespasser, in Virginia according to the Federal Railroad Administration Office of Safety Analysis. In the US, an every 3 hours, a person or vehicle is hit by a train and are 30 times more likely die. FRA has reported an 83% decline in collisions since 1972.

For life-saving tips at Grade Crossings for motor vehicles and tractor trailers Operation Lifesaver has established a website that has an abundance of information. Operation Lifesaver is a non-profit designed to end collisions, deaths and injuries at places where roadways cross train tracks, and on railroad right-of-way. For more information on Operation LifeSaver, please visit their website at

Kalfus & Nachman has helped many clients in Virginia andNorth Carolina get fair compensation for their wrongful death cases. If you suspect a loved one's death may have been the result of a medical professional's carelessness, call the Virginia wrongful death lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman right away.

Call Kalfus & Nachman at (855) 880-8163

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