The US Coast Guard Reported Drownings Are Up in 2014
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The US Coast Guard Reported Drownings Are Up in 2014

The US Coast Guard 5th District in Portsmouth, VA, released this morning that there have been 40 drownings that occurred from northern New Jersey to southern North Carolina this summer alone 2014. This is just along the Mid Atlantic Coast and of the 40 boating- or swimming-related deaths, 34 people were not wearing lifejackets. Just recently Kalfus & Nachman, PC posted on Facebook July 19, 2024 a tip on Lifejackets and there benefits from the USCG. Here are some of the highlights:

Living in Hampton Roads the coastal waterways are so tempting to explore. While you are out there remember to put on your Life Vest. They save lives...How Do Life Jackets Save Lives?

  1. When capsized in rough water.
  2. When sinking in unexpectedly heavy sea conditions.
  3. When thrown from the boat as a result of a collision.
  4. When injured by rocks or submerged objects.
  5. When unconscious from carbon monoxide fumes.
  6. When tossed into freezing water.
  7. When thrown off balance while fishing.
  8. When unable to swim because of heavy or waterlogged clothing.

Capt. William Cameron, 5th District response chief, says regardless of how a person ends up in the water, wearing a lifejacket is the single most important precaution a person can take to increase chances of survival when things go wrong.

The Coast Guard is strongly encouraging boaters and swimmers to take simple precautions like swimming in areas with lifeguards, getting a free, local vessel safety check and taking a boating safety course.

If you or a member of your family has suffered a boating or personal watercraft accident, you need expert legal assistance to pursue a claim against the responsible party. Individuals who survive these accidents are often left in great physical pain, requiring extensive medical treatment and suffering from a host of psychological problems as a result of the accident. They may be unable to continue working, putting a great amount of financial pressure onyou.

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