Crashes over the July 4th Weekend Up over 2013 by 13%
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Crashes over the July 4th Weekend Up over 2013 by 13%

Over the July 4th weekend 2014, The Virginia Highway Safety Office reported eight fatality crashes in the state, vs. 7 in 2013. The crashes involved a multitude of vehicles, not only cars. Half of the accidents resulted in deaths were motorcycles, and all drivers were reported wearing helmets. Over the past several weeks in Hampton Roads alone there has been a surge in motorcycle accidents, no fault of the rider. Yesterday at the corner of Jefferson Avenue and 74th street in Newport News two people were injured, one who remains in critical condition, after a motorcycle and a car collided around 6:10 am. Investigators are still probing the scene.

Two victims died while riding ATVs, in Virginia over the weekend. That is still a big sport here in many parts of the state and not heavily regulated on private property or in rural areas.

There were two fatal pedestrian accidents as well. A 32-year-old pedestrian was killed in the City of Newport News. A 45 year old woman and a friend were walking on Shenandoah Avenue when a vehicle hit her from behind on July 6. Virginia State

There were 77 drivers arrested for being impaired while operating a motor vehicle. State troopers also, cited 11,712 speeders and 2,673 reckless drivers during the three-day statistical counting period from midnight July 4 through 11:59 p.m. July 6. There were 566 traffic crashes statewide that were responded to by State Troopers.

During the month of June Kalfus & Nachman posted several messages on Facebook to support “Operation Move over Awareness Month”. Please remember to continue to move over for our troopers. As a reminder last year nationwide, traffic-related incidents were the leading cause of law enforcement line-of duty deaths, 46 officers killed because of a traffic-related incident, eleven were struck and killed outside their vehicles. During the July 4th holiday weekend, State Police participated in Operation Combined Accident Reduction Effort, known as Operation C.A.R.E. A national program designed to reduce crashes, fatalities and injuries caused by impaired driving, speeding and failure to use occupant restraints.

If you or a loved one have been injured in an in an accident caused by the negligence of another, please give us a call today to schedule a consultation with a Norfolk personal injury attorney, please visit the website and fill out the convenient online form.

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