Stranded at Sea Due to Reckless Freighter
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Stranded at Sea Due to Reckless Freighter

Working at sea is very dangerous. Along with strong currents and hurricanes, there is the increased risk of being without medical help for days if you’re stranded.

This is all too familiar for one of our clients and his co-workers on his scallop fishing boat. They were working out in the ocean one day when a large freighter came out of nowhere and cut their boat in half.

It happened very quickly and on a foggy night. The men were launched into the water and had to hang onto the wrecked boat’s debris to live. The freighter never stopped. Hours later they were rescued as a sailboat called in for help. Without knowing the name of the boat that came out of nowhere, we needed to investigate to help our clients. With the help of the Coast Guard, they assisted by tracking down some possibilities. One freighter seemed to be what we were looking at but oddly enough none of their paperwork matched. The course printout had been misplaced and many records were altered, from GPS readings to the engine room. They had taken a large amount of steps to try and hide themselves. But too many inconsistencies and found, which led to them being found liable of the accident and required to pay out a settlement to our clients. Watch the video now to learn more.

Contact us today for more information.

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